A Few Website Tweaks

First, I added a proper contact page with a dedicated email, so someone can get a hold of me that way.

Next, added a new tools page to provide a quick list of any software I’m using.

Finally, decided to grab the domain TomahnaProject.com. I may switch that to being the primary domain for the site.

That’s all for now.

Find A Place, Make A Home…

This is the Tomahna Project.
A recreation of Tomahna.
Both the sunroom and the study from Myst 3.

So. For a while I’ve been playing around with Blender and UE4. And of course I can’t stay away from anything Myst related for long.

This project is in the same vein as Starry Expanse, and Aloy’s Myst VR project.

This is the first in a series of posts I’ll be making to catch up and cover what I’ve already done so far.

After that I’ll make posts as I make progress on the project.